The Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GradSAC) is a group of students from all years and research backgrounds. Committee members meet on a regular basis to brainstorm, plan, and facilitate the execution and completion of events and projects that are considered beneficial for the GGNB. Some of these events and projects include:
- Content design and execution of the Assorted Development, Mentorship, and Exploration (ADME) peer mentoring program
- Represent the GGNB at campus level Graduate Student Association
- Write and distribute the ConGRADS quarterly newsletter
- Promote social events and gatherings for both faculty and students
- Student representation on GGNB faculty committees
- Organization of the GGNB Graduate Student Symposium to give students the opportunity to present his/her research in a professional setting
GradSAC Student Organization Bylaws
GradSAC Committee Members 2024-25
- President: Imani Muhammad
- Vice President & Secretary: Abby Galyon
- Treasurer: Shannon Trinh
- Social Events Coordinator: Andrea Gil
- Outreach & Fundraising Coordinator: Amara Benn
- Open House Coordinators: Hareem Zahid & Andrea Gil
- Graduate Student Association (GSA) Representatives: Elisa Gonzalez Smith & Michelle Lee
- ADME Coordinators: Emily Sklar, Manny Gyimah, Shannon Trinh, Hareem Zahid
- Diversity Liason: Kari Melander Alexander
- International Student Representative: Christabel Domfe